Offset your shipping activity

Compensate for your shipping's carbon footprint through trusted climate solutions.


Create your account

Request access from your Clarksons broker, or enroll directly in the programme here.

Offset your shipping

Invite your colleagues, review certified climate projects, and place your first carbon offset order.

Track your impact

Track and report on your climate impact from your carbon account.

How it works

By offsetting your shipping, you support carbon mitigation projects that reduce, capture, or avoid carbon emissions in an amount equivalent to your shipping's carbon footprint. The projects are selected with Clarksons by carbon professionals and verified by the most comprehensive certification standards, such as the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Gold Standard. All projects support multiple Sustainable Development Goals.

Select your climate project

Select from a diverse range of climate solutions to offset your organisation’s shipping footprint.

Trusted climate solutions

Maritime shipping is one of the most carbon-efficient forms of transporting goods. Yet, it’s important to recognise that the industry emits around 940 million tonnes of CO2 annually and is responsible for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. By joining the CHOOOSE Carbon Programme, your organisation takes an active part in the industry’s goal to further improve the fuel efficiency and carbon footprint from global shipping. The programme enables trusted carbon calculations and offsetting through some of the best climate projects available today.

Track your positive impact

By enrolling in the CHOOOSE Carbon Programme, your company gets access to its own corporate portal. From here you can offset your shipping activities on a regular basis and keep track of your organisation's positive climate impact.

Enabling climate action

Clarksons has partnered with leading climate-tech company CHOOOSE to make impactful climate options available for our customers. Together with its ecosystem of industry partners and individual supporters, the CHOOOSE platform is accelerating access and adoption of climate solutions across a range of key technologies – from nature-based solutions to carbon removal to Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

Contact us

Want to learn more about how climate action can be part of your shipping activities? Just send us an e-mail, it's always a pleasure to help.
